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Why Hire a Pro for Your New Thermostat?

Why Hire a Pro for Your New Thermostat?

Thermostats are deceptively small while playing a pretty massive role in your home comfort. They’re the brains of your HVAC system, giving you a smart and convenient interface to work with while signaling to the system whether it should start or stop. Smart and Wi-Fi thermostats are all the rage these days (for some great reasons we’ll get to below), but this leads to an inevitable problem. Homeowners think they can install these systems on their own, but that might not be a very good idea.

You might see a handy DIY instruction manual inside your new thermostat, or you might see a ton of videos online about how to set up these nifty little systems. But the process is anything but simple. In fact, depending on the type of thermostat you purchase or the home you’re installing it in, things might get very tricky and cause you to be without heat or even electricity.

Let’s talk about why you’ll want to call a professional from our team to schedule your new thermostat installation in Greenfield, IN.

Why Hire a Pro for Your New Thermostat?

Finding a Model That Fits

When a company is trying to advertise a thermostat model, they’ll likely skip over the systems that aren’t compatible with the wiring or the internal systems of the thermostat itself. For instance, certain furnaces or boilers won’t work with certain brands of smart or Wi-Fi thermostats depending on which it is and the type of heating unit you have.

This does not mean that you can’t have a smart or Wi-Fi thermostat if you’ve got a gas furnace or a boiler, it just means that you’re going to have to find the right model for your system and way of life. This is where a professional can come in.

Licensed HVAC technicians have access to resources and training that help them target which thermostats fit with which heating systems. They can set them up without a hitch and take a lot less time doing so. This can help you avoid a disaster in the future.

Old Thermostat Issues to Avoid

If your home is particularly old, then you might be one of the few homeowners left with a thermostat that uses analog technology, or worse, a mercury thermostat. Back in the day, this toxic substance could detect temperature changes and allow you to control the temperature of your home without electricity. But now, these do more harm than good.

However, this can be a tricky situation to encounter on your own. We’d recommend working with a licensed professional to remove the old thermostat and get a new one set up.

Safety and Electrical Installation

If you do have an old mercury thermostat, then you might not have the wiring capable of providing electricity to your new smart or Wi-Fi thermostat. This is a problem, because a new cable is going to either be spliced or added to your electrical system, which is never something we recommend homeowners do themselves.

Stay safe and work with a licensed pro to have your new power cables set up for a 21st-century thermostat.

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