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AC Maintenance

AC Maintenance in Greenfield, IN

There are many projects around the home that are great for Greenfield area residents to attempt on their own. Repairing or maintaining their air conditioners, however, is not a great DIY project. Instead, you need a highly trained and qualified team, such as the Jake's Heating, Air and Plumbing crew!

  •   We’ve Been in Business Since 2006
  •   Our Trucks Are Fully Stocked for Prompt Repair and Tune-Ups
  •   We Make Your AC Solutions Affordable and Reliable

Ask about our VIP Club Maintenance Program. This is our maintenance plan that affords members a number of benefits, such as reducing repairs by as much as 85%. And when you do need air conditioning repairs due to wear and tear, we’re the team to call.

For quality air conditioning repair and maintenance in Greenfield, IN, contact Jake's Heating, Air and Plumbing today. We Keep You Cool!

Central AC Maintenance

Central AC Maintenance

During maintenance, our technicians comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it within your central air conditioner. This helps the system work as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. We’ll ensure your refrigerant line is intact, the fans and motors are doing their jobs, your ductwork is in good shape, and more. We take central ac repair seriously!

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Call Jakes for Heating, Air and Plumbing in Greenfield IN

Ductless AC Maintenance

Ductless system maintenance can oftentimes be a bit more convenient than maintaining a central air conditioner since it doesn’t require an inspection of ductwork. However, since ductless systems are comprised of a number of air handlers, and used for heating too, it is vital that you have your system checked out by a pro a couple of times a year.

Ductless AC Maintenance
Heat Pump Maintenance

Heat Pump Maintenance

If you have a heat pump system in place, then you already know what makes it different. Its refrigerant process can be reversed, making the unit just as effective a heater as it is an air conditioner. Because of this year-round use, it’s important that your heat pump be maintained twice a year, whereas a traditional air conditioning system only needs to be tuned up once a year. Don’t let minor issues turn into costly ac repairs, especially when it comes to your heat pump!