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It’s Time to Start Planning Ahead!

It’s Time to Start Planning Ahead!

Yes, we know that thinking about a heating system during record-breaking highs in August can sound crazy—but it’s not. Especially if you’re concerned with your budget or saving money this year, we can guarantee you that the earlier you start considering your heating options, the better off you’ll be.

One big reason we’re starting this shift now is because we’ll likely get some powerful snowstorms and record-low temperatures this winter too, so we’re never really out of the woods (unless you consider spring and autumn). This is just the way home heating works, and it’s why we’d like to discuss your next steps.

From a heat pump to a Greenfield furnace installation, you’ve got plenty of options and a professional team here willing to provide them. The important thing is that you know what you’re up against, and you plan on installing the system that’s right for your budget and comfort preferences.

It’s Time to Start Planning Ahead!

Evaluate the Status of Your Heating

Yes, temperatures are still hot out, but this gives us some time to plan what things might look like when the temperatures drop this fall and winter. We need to start by evaluating the status of your heating system. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering whether your heating system needs to be upgraded, or if you need a new unit altogether.

  • Is my home comfortable in the winter? Perhaps investing in some insulation or a heating upgrade could do a lot to make things more cozy.
  • Are my heating bills too high? High heating bills can be the result of inefficiency. This can be fixed in a number of different ways.
  • Does my system have problems? If you remember odd noises or even paid for a repair last year, your system might be struggling to perform each year.

Once you’ve got a good idea at how good your system is running, then we can move on.

Invest in Maintenance Early

If you’re one of the lucky homeowners who has a heating system that works to their standards, then the only thing you should be thinking about is maintenance.

Maintenance is an investment in your system. It helps extend the lifespan of the technology, make it run more efficiently, and even helps ward off surprise repairs. This is a good idea for a heater if you’re not interested in upgrading or installing a new one.

Choose a New Heating System

Now, let’s say you’re dissatisfied with your existing heating system and you’d like an upgrade. This is the perfect time to choose from some pretty powerful and affordable systems. Here are just a few examples we offer.


Why not invest in a powerful gas furnace that can run affordably and efficiently every year? Or, if you’d prefer to use only electricity, we can set you up with an electric furnace that works nicely. These systems are great for customers who want something that keeps costs down but results comfortable.

Heat Pump

Heat pumps move heat instead of creating it. They come in ducted or ductless forms and they run on electricity, making them exceptionally efficient when compared to other heating methods. This might be a great choice for your next home upgrade.

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