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Air Filtration Systems

Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN

Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN

Air Filtration Installation

Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN

Air Filtration Replacement

Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN

Air Filtration Repair

Many Greenfield area homeowners don’t realize this, but the air filters that come with your HVAC systems are not there to protect your indoor air quality (IAQ)! If you’re looking to improve your indoor air quality, you will need a whole-home air filtration system or a whole-home air purification system—maybe even both. Contact Jake’s crew and you can rely on the best IAQ solutions for your home.

  •   We’ve Been in Business Since 2006
  •   We Offer Industry-Leading Guarantees
  •   We’re a Values-Focused Company

While home construction has brought forth energy-saving advancements like better insulation, this has had a significant impact on air quality indoors. This is why a professionally installed air filtration system or air purifier is so important!

Contact Jake's Heating, Air and Plumbing today for reliable air filtration and air purification services. Trust Jake's Heating, Air and Plumbing to Do the Job Right!

Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN

Air Filtration Installation

A whole-home air filtration system or whole-home air purifier can be installed right into your HVAC system’s ductwork. Here, they are very quiet and out of sight, while they work hard to eliminate contaminants in your indoor air, like mold, mildew, allergens, and even viruses or bacteria. Turn to us for:

Each type of air purifier and air filtration system has its own application, and you may find a combination of the two best serves your home. For instance, while an electronic air purifier can remove contaminants already in the air, a UV air purifier can tackle pollutants in your ductwork before they even reach your living space.

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Air Filtration Replacement

Standard HVAC air filters have a vital job, but this job isn’t to protect or clean your indoor air. These air filters have to be changed every 1–3 months to protect the HVAC system itself. To protect your indoor air, you’ll want to inquire about higher MERV filters: Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The higher the MERV, the better the filter, but it can also be too high! This is why you need to speak with a trained and experienced IAQ professional, such as a member of our crew.

Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN
Air Filtration System and Air Purifier Repair and Installation Services in Greenfield, IN

Air Filtration Repair

Whether you decided on a basic whole-home air purifier or a UV germicidal light, at some point, wear and tear will require you to invest in an air filtration repair. Jake's Heating, Air and Plumbing is here to help! We can also help you with air filtration maintenance to ensure that your systems last as long as possible.